
Intellectual Property Guidelines

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 11 years, 1 month ago



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  • Plagiarism is one of the most serious offenses in an academic community.  The UCSB Office of Judicial Affairs defines plagiarism and offers guidelines in its short online guide Academic Integrity at UCSB: A Student's Guide [PDF].  From the guide:


Plagiarism/Internet Plagiarism

Plagiarism is academic theft. It is the use of another’s idea or words without proper attribution or credit. An author’s work is his/her property and should be respected by documentation. Plagiarism from the Internet is no different from traditional plagiarism, and is in fact often far easier to catch with the use of technology available to instructors and administrators. It is a good idea to ask each instructor how they require sources to be noted and what constitutes “common knowledge” in their field to avoid possible problems.

     Credit must be given:

  1. For every direct quotation.
  2. When a work is paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in your own words.
  3. For information which is not common knowledge (it appears in several sources about the subject).


UCSB History Professor Sears McGee advises: “Generally, if a student writes while looking at a source or while looking at notes taken from a source, a footnote should be given.” Each professor should announce his/her specific requirements to guide students in their research. Students who do not receive such guidance from their professors should request it from each of their course instructors.

Any student who helps another student to perform any of the above acts is subject to campus discipline for academic dishonesty. There is no distinction between those who cheat and plagiarize and those who willingly allow it to occur.


-- Academic Integrity at UCSB: A Student's Guide [PDF].<






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